Tattoos are no longer bound to a cult or tribe. You can find the number of tattoo adorning handsome hunks keeps growing by the day. This is because, tattoos have become a style statement and this is the reason why every teenager wants to get a tattoo done. Shoulder or arm tattoos are not restricted to the cowboys or the Harley Davidson lovers. Rather it has been welcomed by even the average built young man or woman who wants to show their shapely arms in a more stylistic manner. There are various types of arm tattoos that you can find these days. Whether you want a tribal tattoo or a armband tattoo, you can find numerous design that are equally attractive. Men with proper biceps have a broader arm, which makes it easier for the tattoo artist to draw out an elaborate and intricate design. As tattoos are all about style, you can choose the one that fits your style and looks good on your arm.
Arm tattoos should not be confused to shoulder tattoos. While shoulder tattoos start from the upper arm and go to the extent of the cape of your neck, simple arm tattoos can be done in the lower arm or upper arm. While both the lower and upper arm tattoos are pretty common, you can choose for yourself. You can find numerous tattoo designs freely available on the internet to choose from. Even you can design your own tattoo without having to worry about someone else wearing a similar one. You can choose a tattoo that shows your inner self or personifies a character or thing that you worship or adore.
The most famous arm tattoos are the Chinese letter tattoos. The reason behind this is that you can get a name tattooed in your arm without allowing everyone to read and understand it. You can tattoo some cool messages as well. At the same time tribal tattoos are equally popular as they have an elaborate design that attracts one and all. If you want to show your masculine self, they you can get a design that has a more complicated and intricate design. You can even get the Chinese dragon tattoos as they are also meaningful and look good on the arms. These type of tattoo look good on either sex. For girls, the most common
tattoos are flower armbands that look good in a sleeveless dress or top. Even the fairy tattoos are a good way to show your inner self. If you are a religious person, you can get the Celtic cross tattoos. If you wish to get your zodiac sign on your arm, then you can do that as well.

Remember that a tattoo is for a life time and you may want to take your time and choose the right design for your arm. Else you may end up regretting it. Also gets the design keeping in mind the fact that you want it to be visible always or only when you wear your casuals. Talk to a tattoo expert and finalize on the design. Arm tattoos are a great way to exhibit your true nature in a bold and loud manner.